AT-ZONE app is a social network based on geofences. Geofence (we call it zones) is a virtual area that you can arbitrarily designate anywhere on the map.
By inviting any person to the zone, you can receive reciprocal notifications when one of you enters or leaves this zone.
None of the zone members will know your exact location in the zone, only the time of the last entry or exit from it.
Group chat for each of your zones will allow you to chat with other members, make appointments or share photos.
The service can be used both privately and for business, creating zones for various purposes and inviting contacts to each of them based on specific interests.

If you often ask yourself: “Where is my child now?”, “What time did the child leave school?”, or “When did your spouse come home from work?”, but at the same time you do not want to follow anyone and constantly call, then the AT-ZONE app is for you.
Create a zone for home, work, school, or other places where you and your loved ones often visit. Invite them there and you will no longer need to constantly contact them and ask where they are. As soon as one of the members enters or leaves the zone, you and the rest of the zone members will receive a notification about this.
With the AT-ZONE app, you will always be aware that your child has safely reached school, your partner has finished work and is returning home, and the grandparents are walking in the park.

Do you like to hang out with friends in parks, shopping centers, bars, gyms, or do you have other favorite places? Create zones and share them with friends for common interests and activities.
So, you will no longer need to annoy your friends with calls or messages with questions: “What time did you leave?”, “When are you done with work?” or “Are you already in the club?”
With the AT-ZONE app, you will always know that some of your friends are already at the concert, someone is in your favorite cafe, and someone has started a workout at the gym you are visiting together.
The group chat will allow you to arrange a meeting time or exchange photos.
Chat, meet, have fun – the AT-ZONE app makes it even easier!

If you are an employer and you need to monitor employees at their workplace, as well as keep track of their working hours, then the AT-ZONE app is just for you.
Using the AT-ZONE app, you can easily create a zone of your company's location, manufacturing, or construction site and see which employees are in the workplace and how long they are there. The app will automatically register the presence of employees at the workplace and notify you about this if you wish.
AT-ZONE can also create timesheets in the form of monthly reports with graphs for your viewing or enterprise accounting.
Thus, it will be easier for you, as an employer, to organize the accounting of working hours. And for you, as an employee with a flexible or irregular schedule, it will be easier to register the hours worked.
Also, using AT-ZONE, you can track the movement of employees in different work areas. That may be of interest, for example, to logistics coordinators or courier companies.
Three simple steps:

Main features
- creating of complex zones using polygons
- notifications about the entry/exit of a person from the zone
- statistics of visits to geofence and attendance time in a zone
- automatic tracking of working hours by GPS
- charts for viewing the history of geofence visits
- export data in CSV format
- group chat in each zone
- informative widgets for contacts
Your private data is safe

The app and all functions are free. Ads are placed in such a way that they interfere with the use of the app as little as possible. If desired, ads can be removed for $2.99* / month.
* The price is exclusive the statutory VAT.